Sunday, April 30, 2017

Road by Laurie Cooper

She knows the only way that she will see Jesus 
she has to follow Him down the road
to eternal life.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Freedom Dance by Laurie Cooper

I see a woman free of depression and anxieties.
A woman who is living her life
the way she wants to...

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Bike Life by Ned Shuchter

Looking at this, I just see a couple who doesn't care what anyone else thinks of them...
I smile every time I look at this and that's all that matters to me.

Late For School by Krystalis Illustrations

“I have noticed that the people who are late are often so much jollier
 than the people who have to wait for them.” 

Friends by Elgyna McCrary

That's What Friends Are For

Keep smiling, keep shining

Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for

Oval Office by Annie Lee

This was one of the best Presidents ever.
Not because he was black 
(because he was just as much white as he was black)
But because he wanted to make America a better place for us all...

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci

I have heard people say 
they wanted to know why Mona Lisa had that smile/smirk
on her face...
I don't really care.
I think she was just happy that someone thought she was 
beautiful enough to painted on canvas.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Alexandra by Maxwell Dickson

What's on her mind?

Attesa Di Qualcuno by Guido Borelli

Imagine yourself here...
Enjoying the ocean.
Feeling the breeze...
 with the sun shining on your face.
Will depression still feel the same or would it go away...
just for a few minutes, hours or days?

Indigo Beach by Diane Britton Dunham

The woman in this piece seems so free.
She is enjoying the breeze of the night air.
At that moment, she doesn't have a care in the world.

Self Love by Stephanie Michelle

“To establish true self-esteem 
we must concentrate on our successes 
and forget about the failures 
and the negatives in our lives.”

– Denis Waitley

Monday, April 24, 2017

Conversation by Barrington Watson

When I look at this piece I have to wonder what
they are talking about or whom...😄

Sunday, April 23, 2017

We Are One by Cherie M

“Women are going to form a chain, 
a greater sisterhood than the world has ever known.” 

― Nellie L. McClung

BEWITCHED PARK by by Leonid Afremov

I often think that the night is more alive 
and more richly colored than the day. 

~Vincent Van Gogh

Romeo- Afternoon Reader

As a bookworm, I love to read.
As a Christian, I love the Word of God,
So there is nothing more comforting
 then being able to do both...

English Rose by Sandra Phryce-Jones

I love (pink) roses
and this painting just brightens my day.

Saturday, April 22, 2017


Sweet is the memory of distant friends.
 Like the mellow rays of the departing sun, it falls tenderly, yet sadly, on the heart.

~ Washington Irving

Country Quilts by Diane Britton Dunham

This is one of those masterpieces that makes me think about my grandma...
I love this.

Liberated Thoughts by Salaam Muhammad

I see an educated woman 
who loves to read.
She loves learning new things.
She loves being able to provide for herself.
She loves her family and friends.
She believes in monogamy.
She believes she will be successful in life
and that she can help to make the world a better place.
More than anything, 
she believes in God...

Friday, April 21, 2017

Rebuilding the Black Family by WAK

I see a strong black man who is determined to be there for and is determine to provide for and protect his family in every way possible...


WAK (Kevin A Williams)

Mr. Williams is one of my favorite artists. 
He hasn't painted anything that I haven't liked.
My thoughts on this one will remain just that...Mine.

Exhale by Monica Stewart

She finally has some time to herself...

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Moon by Ruud van Empel

I imagine she was in her Aunt's wedding.
She is somewhat of a tomboy
so before she takes off her dress, 
her mom wants to get one more picture of her in it...

Purple Hat by Diane Britton Dunham

I imagine she took a vacation alone...
This is her last day.
She is standing there taking in the scenery one last time
before she gets in her car to drive away.

Words We Never Said (Woman) by Salaam Muhammad

I see a woman who has had so many negative words 
said to her  over the years that
it's hard for her to believe the positive ones...
She has to learn that sometimes she will have to encourage herself.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Know Yourself by Ria Ria

It took me a while...
But I finally know who I am
and I love me.
That's why I love this piece.

A Perfect Red Rose by Thomas Kinkade

My favorite flower is Rose 
(for obvious reasons)
Nothing else to say except roses always put me in a good mood.

Brooklyn Breeze by BRYAN COLLIER

I see a young woman who is out on her on for the first time...
Living in the city.
It's Saturday and all she wants to do is relax and enjoy her day off.
Her windows are up so she smells the aroma's of the nearby restaurants and the bakery down the street.
She can hear the children playing outside and a dog barking.
But it doesn't bother her.
She is enjoying every minute of her day off.
Maybe she will order take out later...

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


      I don't think I have come across one piece by Leonid Afremov that I haven't liked. 
I love the fact that this couple is so in love that they don't care that it's raining. 

Kyrstalis Illustrations

I discovered Vanessa Kaliwo's work on Instagram under Kyrstalis Illustrations

This piece here was one of my favorites.
I don't know if it's because I love the rain 
or because it's so peaceful.

Just looking at it made me think of one of those rainy days in Autumn when you have nothing else to do but to sit back, listen to the rain and read a good book while drinking a hot up of coffee or tea,

Monday, April 17, 2017

Henry Lee Battle This Too Shall Pass

I fell in love with this piece the first time I laid eyes on it.
I see my struggle with depression when I look at the "angel" in the piece.
But I keep telling myself that the feeling that I am having at the time "will pass". Sometimes it takes a few days but it does pass

This "angel" may be feeling the burden of whatever it is that has her down  as long as she tells herself "This Too Shall Pass" and keep her faith in God she will be okay.

You Are What You Eat -Edwin Lester

I don't know what Mr. Lester was thinking when he painted these two masterpieces.
But when I look at these two, "You Are What You Eat" I think of something my pastor has said many times before and that is "When you feed your spirit things of this world, worldly things will come from you  but when you feed your spirit the Word of God only Godly things will come from you.
I want to be so full of the Word of God that nothing else will be able to enter.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Henry Lee Battle Time Well Spent

One of my all time favorites masterpieces by Mr. Battle

Spending time with God is the best thing any of us can do.

I am the "N" Word ALONZO ADAMS

I hate when people use the N-word
I really hate when I hear my sisters and brother's use it to
describe one another.
Why give that word power?

That's what makes this piece so powerful

I am Noble.
 I am Nubian.
I am Necessary. 
I am New.
 I am Nimble.
 I am Niiiice
. I am a Neophyte
. I am a Natural.
 I am Naaasty.
 I am Notable. 
I am Now.
 I am Never-ending.
 I am Nemesis.
 I am Negasi.
 I am Nkechinyere. 
I am Ndestructable.
 I am many N's. 
I am Not a nigger
and I am Not ya nigga

Safety Net by C'BABI BAYOC

I read somewhere that the artist was depicting this as an African American father holding his child in his hands. I can see that. Because fathers are supposed to be there for their children in every way possible.
But the first time I saw this 
I saw our Heavenly Father holding us, "His" children in the palm of his hands.
He is our safety net... 
I guess there really isn't a difference in the way the artist and I see it.
It's just one is with a  "natural" eye and the other is in with a "spiritual" eye.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Turkana Afternoon by Tilly Willis

I wonder why she sits under the tree.
Is she resting?
Is she telling her child about life?
Has she been cast out of her village?
Is she saying goodbye?
I wonder...

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

"Time & Red Roses"by Artist NORA KASTEN

The Grave And The Rose 

 by Victor Marie Hugo

The Grave said to the Rose, 
"What of the dews of dawn, 
Love's flower, what end is theirs?" 
"And what of spirits flown, 
The souls whereon doth close 
The tomb's mouth unawares?" 
The Rose said to the Grave. 

The Rose said, "In the shade 
From the dawn's tears is made 
A perfume faint and strange, 
Amber and honey sweet." 
"And all the spirits fleet 
Do suffer a sky-change, 
More strangely than the dew, 
To God's own angels new," 
The Grave said to the Rose